Intercultural mediation is seen as an effective, proactive and fundamental process for immigrants to access a network of territorial services, rights, citizenship services and international protection.
Mediating between cultures is aimed at countering prejudices and other forms of discrimination using innovative and transversal tools such as mediation/ resolution of conflicts, active listening, cultural decentralization or empathy, implemented in multi-purpose environments such as schools, social services, health services, justice or international protection.
Therefore, intercultural mediation becomes an essential tool in the reconstruction of relationships between different cultural models inside an intercultural society.
Intercultural mediation is the ability to work on every each and single difference which apparently divides us, in order to overcome the pre-established mental patterns and update at the current world context.
The diversity among cultural models in the world represent a worldwide strong advocacy tool for the empowerment of cross-cultural view in a so-called inclusive and global society.
Who is the Intercultural Mediator?
Intercultural mediation is seen as an effective, proactive and fundamental process for immigrants to access a network of territorial services, rights, citizenship services and international protection.
Mediating between cultures is aimed at countering prejudices and other forms of discrimination using innovative and transversal tools such as mediation/ resolution of conflicts, active listening, cultural decentralization or empathy, implemented in multi-purpose environments such as schools, social services, health services, justice or international protection.
Therefore, intercultural mediation becomes an essential tool in the reconstruction of relationships between different cultural models inside an intercultural society.
Intercultural mediation is the ability to work on every each and single difference which apparently divides us, in order to overcome the pre-established mental patterns and update at the current world context.
The diversity among cultural models in the world represent a worldwide strong advocacy tool for the empowerment of cross-cultural view in a so-called inclusive and global society.